Eventi, seminari, e workshops.
Segna in calendario e salva il tuo posto per opportunita’ di sviluppo personale e professionale
Avvio con gioia la SEASON 2 del Podcast L’Arte di Reinventarsi
La mia specialissima ospite ad inaugurare questo nuovo inizio filone CREATIVITA’, la ricciolissima Solange Romagnoni, col suo account MEMEKLU
Non vorrete perdervi la spiegazione dietro questo nome cosi’ creativo?
Parleremo anche di…
E chissà’, anche qualcos’altro: le dirette serbano sempre delle sorprese!
Vi aspettiamo!
Sara e Solange
Attivate la campanella del Reminder !
PS: invitate le vostre amiche speciali
Se anche tu stai pensando a fare il salto, o vuoi ragionare su quali sono le opportunità’, ho preparato una guida che ti accompagna passo passo verso il tuo jump. Scarica la GUIDA GRATUITA Reinvenzione PRIMI PASSI qui.
Reinventarsi a 40 anni e’ un’idea folle?
Macche’! E’ quasi un trend
Inventarsi una nuova carriera a 40 anni non è impossibile, bisogna pero’ impegnarsi, pianificare e non scoraggiarsi.
Maternita’, benessere mentale, pandemia e la grandi dimissioni, sono tutti fattori che influenzano il movimento di carriera, soprattutto fra le donne.
Ne parlero’ con la mia ospite, la brillante Francesca Sparaco di Sparkylab
Specialista del Digital Marketing, che e’ passata da lavoro dipendente a “mumpreneur” in seguito a maternità’ e un’esperienza a Londra.
Segnatevi in calendario la data della diretta su INSTAGRAM sul nuovo profilo del Podcast
Lunedi 12 giugno alle 13 – in Italia, La pausa pranzo produttiva
alle 21 a Melbourne/ Sydney
Se anche tu stai pensando a fare il salto, o vuoi ragionare su quali sono le opportunità’, ho preparato una guida che ti accompagna passo passo verso il tuo jump. Scarica la GUIDA GRATUITA Reinvenzione PRIMI PASSI qui.

🇮🇹 Era da tanto tempo che volevo dare voce alle storie straordinarie di cambio vita/lavoro delle Italiane che ho incontrato in questi 18 anni in espatrio.
Collegatevi alla diretta su 👉 Facebook Giovedì 1* Giugno, o guardate il replay.
Avrò’ un’ospite speciale e parleremo di un argomento molto molto importante per tutte le persone che come noi si trovano a vivere fra culture diverse, e dover decidere cosa fare della propria carriera.
Nadia Fronteddu, @Nadja_unasardaingiro
Ingegnere, podcaster, sommelier, relocator, giornalista, multipod…sarà una sessione scintillante !
Potete scaricare la 📑 GUIDA GRATUITA che trovate a questo link : REINVENZIONE, PRIMI PASSI
Ne parleremo durante la diretta.
Avro’ una sorpresa per voi! @lartedireinventarsi
Vi aspettiamo!

We’re kicking off 2023 with an author chat.
Joyce has recently published ‘The Newcomer’s Dictionary’. We heard from Joyce briefly in October 2022 during the FIGT Author Panel. We were all fascinated to learn of her writing project. Here is your opportunity to find out more.
Check your timezone here: https://www.worldtimebuddy.com/
Or register and receive the recording to watch afterwards.
This event is free and open to new and older expats, migrants and all those interested in global mobility.
For more information and to register please click here:
Or check the @figt_anza page with the LINK IN BIO
Facilitated by FIGT volunteers @helenellis.author @sarabetweencultures
#figtanza #joyceagee #NewcomersDictionary #SpringtimeBooks #expatsinOZ #expatsinnz #globalmobilitybooks
#newcomers #migrants #expats #internationalcommunity #crossingcultures #expatbooks #meettheauthor #library #readingnow
Join Sara and Sarah
7/12 – 7 pm GMT
7/12 – 8 pm MILAN
8/12 – 6 am AEST (you can watch the replay)
LIVE ON INSTAGRAM with @friendships.abroad
We will talk about “feeling welcome abroad”, what does it mean, how do we feel welcome, what we do expect others to do to make us feel welcome and what is our responsibility to feel welcome abroad.
Sarah is originally from Hamburg, Germany currently living in London. She is an expat, a Friendship coach and loves the colour orange!
Join the conversation, ask your questions on INSTAGRAM
@sarabetweencultures & @friendship.abroad
Watch the replay here

Life is full of change, time flies, and more so than at any other time in history, we are faced with opportunities. and challenges in equal measure! Sometimes we must reconfigure ourselves to take full advantage of all that life has to offer.
To talk about this very relevant topic we have Sara Coggiola, CPCC joining us all the way from Australia!
Wednesday , 19 October 2022 9PM to 10PM
-The different types of Reinvention
– Activity to investigate attendants’ perception about the word reinvention
– Short mention about Reinvention trends, the Covid impact and “The great resignation”
Here we are Italy is the Italian local chapter of ‘here we are global’, a community of professional travelling partners seeking opportunities abroad and supporting each other in initiating personally meaningful lives on the move.
on Instagram
Living, working, parenting between cultures
Thursday 27th of January
Marloes and Lonneke are designers, moms, friends, cousins and former colleagues.
Two years ago, they both moved with their families. Lonneke moved to Seattle and Marloes to Taiwan. It was during those Big Moves with their kids that they got the idea of creating a workbook for global nomad kids. They are the authors and publishers of the Me and My Big Move workbook.
We will talk about “How to settle in with kids by making it fun” and will hear their experiences as parents abroad.
@meandmybigmove @sarabetweencultures

10th of January 2022
8 PM Melbourne – 10 AM Milan
From Marketing specialist in the corporate world to Montessori teacher, from Spain 🇪🇸 to Brazil 🇧🇷Marta from @lostinculture_ has shared her way to celebrate the end of the year traditions blending from her multicultural family and her host country.
13th December 2022
6 PM Bogota – 6 PM NY –
14th Dec 10 AM Melbourne
This week I will be joined by Elisabet from @andnowwelivein
Elisabet is a Spanish expat, mom of 3, who has already lived in 5 different countries: the Netherlands, Russia, China, Italy and now Colombia. Married to an Italian, they raise their kids in both Spanish and Italian.
You can watch the replay right after the LIVE on the feed

Join me to my LIVE CHAT on Instagram
Living, working and parenting between cultures.
12PM Istanbul – 8 PM Melbourne – 10 AM Milan – 4 PM Bangkok
Mus Marian is an Australian expat with a love for all things coffee, writing, and foreign languages.
He is now living in Istanbul with his wife after she was posted there due to her work.
While he is enjoying what many other men in similar situations call ‘Leave Without Pay’, Mus wants to make sure he can create something for himself that will be of benefit in the future.
When looking for stories of expats and ‘trailing spouses’ he was sad to see it was largely written from the wife’s perspective. This leads him to create the Nomadic Husband blog for him to share his own stories of moving and expatriating.
Join me LIVE on Instagram @sarabetweencultures
Sharing stories about living, working and parenting abroad.
8.30 PM Melbourne – 9.30 AM London
I will be chatting with Florence, a woman with quite a story to tell – is an Adult TCK raising three TCK.
Her very unique story as an international adoptee leads her to become an intercultural trainer and international parenting expert.
Florence wants children/parents to feel a sense of pride and cohesion in their multiple identities while succeeding in their expat adventure.
In 2018, she wrote “I’m a citizen of the world” her first book for parents and children, to help them succeed in their Expat adventure thanks to the Burger Metaphor.

Join me LIVE on Instagram @sarabetweencultures
Sharing stories about living, working and parenting abroad.
Join me here for a live chat next Wednesday.
A hobby artist, Jessica @knitsfromabroad has built a connection to her home that she can take with her anywhere. Knitting and sculpting have allowed her to meet new groups of people and better connect to the different art and hobby scenes in all of her postings abroad. She believes that finding a common hobby is a great way to build a sense of belonging as an expat.
Originally from Dallas, Texas, Jessica has spent her entire adult life abroad living in Germany and the Netherlands.
Together with other authors, she published “Against the rock – Contro lo Scoglio” a bilingual
book for children. She spreads her enthusiasm for multilingualism by interviewing experts for Multilingualism Matters, a project in collaboration with SIETAR Austria.
Facebook Page https://www.facebook.com/multilingual.garden/
Multilingualism Matters
“Against the rock – Contro lo Scoglio” Bilingual Book (IT/EN) https://www.amazon.it/Contro-
Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/utelimacherriebold/
Fb Ute’s International Lounge:
REGISTRATION: https://us02web.zoom.us/…/tZIqceuorTwuGNcqk7Gq0ZsHWeD4j…

For this special event, FIGT ANZA Australia, and New Zealand is joined by six amazing authors based/born in Australia and New Zealand.
They are all active FIGT members and with their work, they bring their unique perspective on topics related to globally mobile life.
Their experiences cover both personal and professional aspects of their life across cultures. We would love you to participate in this interactive conversation with our guest speakers:
-Tanya Crossmann – “Misunderstood: The Impact of Growing Up Overseas in the 21st Century”
-Nicole Webb – “China Blonde”
-Helen Ellis – “Being a Distance Grandparent – a Book for ALL Generations”
Danau Tanu – “Growing Up in Transit: The Politics of Belonging at an International School.”
-Cath Brew – “Living Elsewhere: Because a Life Overseas Can Be Tough and, Well, Sometimes You Just Have to Laugh.”
-Trisha Carter – “Finding Home Abroad – A Guided Journal for Adapting to Life Overseas”
13th September
Check your timezone here: https://www.worldtimebuddy.com/
Read the authors’ Bios here: https://figt.org/event-4458507
Register for the event here: https://us02web.zoom.us/…/tZUqduyqqz8pHd19zhz6AaxgvXhd2..
an event in collaboration with
FIGT Melbourne
29 July
12 PM AEST – Melbourne
Focus on Repatriation – Returning ‘home’ after living abroad is all about reconnection
“Whilst this all sounds straight forward it is often a move that catches even the most seasoned of expat by surprise.
Those who think it’s ‘easy’ have probably never done it!
A recent study found that 70% of returning expats said their self-esteem was impacted, whilst as many as 85% experienced challenges reintegrating into the local business community and workforce.
With repatriation challenging both our personal and professional lives, coupled with the current global volatility, the need for planning has never been more crucial.”
At our July FIGT Melbourne event, we will be joined by Margot Andersen, founder of Insync Network Group. Our discussion will look at the planning and strategies to ensure that you arrive well | work well | live well upon your arrival return ‘home’.

reinvention tuesdays
Brave reinventers who dared to take the leap.
Stories of CHANGE with their set of values, skills, and challenges. All valuable.
What’s your story? Want to be INSPIRED by others who had the courage to change their life or career?
Join me in the Clubhouse Room “Reinvention Tuesdays”.
Every session a different Timezone friendly.
First Tuesday of the month.
colleague event
25th of June 4.30 PM AEST
Holding the fort abroad
Rhoda is a coach for solo parenting expat mums in long-distance marriages – a topic she knows intimately after 15 years living a global life in an intercultural marriage, while raising third culture kids (TCKs).
There will be an input by Vivian Chiona, the founder and director of Expat Nest, which offers an e-counselling service for adults, parents and teens navigating the international life.
Jo Parfitt from Summertime Publishing will also say a word as we celebrate – with friends from all over the world – the publication of this much-needed and long-awaited book.
“You moved away to be closer together…
But now you’re further apart than ever…
Your partner’s job opportunity in another country seemed like an exciting idea, but lengthy work assignments mean you’re holding down the family fort – alone.”
Signed books, notebooks, & Swiss chocolate!
This book launch is hosted via Zoom – a sign-up link will be provided in your email confirmation from Eventbrite.
Any questions? Email: rhoda@amulticulturallife.com

reinvention tuesdays
Brave reinventers who dared to take the leap.
Stories of change with their set of values, skills and challenges. All valuable.
What’s your story? Want to be inspired by others who had the courage to change their life or career?
Join me in the Clubhouse Room “Reinvention Tuesdays”.
Every session a different Timezone friendly.
an event in collaboration with FIGT Melbourne
3 Simple Things
Every Parent Needs To
Know To Thrive Abroad
Raising a family is challenging, doing it in a foreign context can be overwhelming. Yet, we need not succumb to the overwhelm. There are simple strategies that you can apply every day that will not only make your life easier but will support your family to thrive while living abroad.
Our Speaker for the June event: Emily Rogers, Expat Coach at Expat Parenting Abroad.
Emily has lived abroad for over 20 years and combines her personal experience and professional career in Human Resources to provide coaching support for expat mums. Emily helps expat mums to not only get the most out of their experience abroad, but supports them to find meaning in their experience.
This informal event is free, open to all: join the conversation.
17th of June, 12 PM AEST Melbourne – ONLINE
Get the Zoom link, register at melbourne@figt.org
New WEBINAR series
“Reinvention in time of COVID – From trapped to inspired”
The webinar includes few activities to work on perspectives with which change is perceived.
True to our concept of Adapting, I am excited to offer a new webinar redesigned to the context of COVID.
The focus then shifts to an assessment of constraints and opportunities these uncertain times have brought us. Attendees will work on a skill drill and will leave with a project to work on: her/his personal or professional reinvention roadmap.
Sign up to the Newsletter to be notified about the next date.
I AM PRESENTING at FIGT 19! Bangkok 26-28 April 2019
This year the conference has moved to Bangkok, Thailand, the city where my second life started. It all resonates with my Reinvention path. It’s a kind of milestone for me to be there and be able to give back after having harvested the fruits of my learnings.

Reinvention Testing Room:
How to Rethink Our Life or Career
Through a playful and reflective session, attendees will discover new perspectives to consider their situation. They will find inner values and skills which will enable them to find fulfilling ways to reinvent themselves personally or in their profession.

Sign up