RIB4: From Marketing brand manager to Montessori teacher with Marta Coll
- September 15, 2022

This episode focuses on personal values + life stages
Marta was living in Turkey when she became fascinated with child development while observing how her children were adapting to a new culture without the support of the extended family.
It was during her maternity leave that she started researching on how she could better support her children when transitioning to a new country.
Marta discovered Montessori pedagogy and instantly loved how its principles would have helped her children with a holistic approach focusing on both emotional and academic development.
Marta had a brilliant International career in Marketing, but when she became a mother, she knew that she would have had to take time to raise her children and be present for them during the formative years. That’s what her mum did, giving her stability and values in her upbringing.
What made Marta reflect and consider changing her career was a shift of focus: what mattered then as a mother was different compared to her as an individual with an ambitious career.
She then retrained to gain knowledge about early years education.
A new move, to Brazil this time, opened up a new opportunity for Marta.
The new school her children were enrolled in was led by a pivotal leader who pulled Marta in and encouraged her to pursue a degree in pedagogy. She got offered a job in that school while still studying for her degree.
Marta loves that through this type of education she can support not only her children but also all the children of the international community who are impacted by constant transitions.
Marta is now living and breathing the Maria Montessori principle or “working for a better world”
- How to reassess one’s priorities in a life stage helps to get clarity on what matters.
- Look for opportunities to jump at if you have an idea or a passion
- Use of previous skills in the new activity, Marta and her husband had to reorganize their schedule to make all work.
- How important is to find fulfillment in what we do, and how to achieve it
“Part of the process is to questioning the process”
Trying and questioning is the only way to assess if a project or an idea is viable or valuable.
Marta Coll, Espanhola (Catalã) , fluent in 5 languages who has lived in 7 countries
She has worked for more than 13 years, in several companies and functions in the area of Marketing and Management.
Currently, in a reinvention process, she is getting her second degree as a Pedagogy teacher, she is also a Certified Montessori Early Childhood teacher
Marta talks about International education, multilingualism and TCK (third culture kids) on her IG account “Lost in Culture” @lostinculture
Resources and Inspiration
1. Do you feel fulfilled in life or in your job? Do you think what you are doing is valuable? Download for free the Wheel of Life and discover which score you’d give to aspects of your life.
We can then discuss how balanced your drawing is.
2. Do you want to brainstorm about your Reinvention idea, or learn how Coaching skills can help you develop your project?
You can book a free introductory Coaching session here.
- Are you curious about Reinvention? Go download my free GUIDE: Your first steps
You will see how easy it is to take your first steps by looking at :
a.How you perceive CHANGE
b.Your values and your personality.
c.What are you ready to put in place tomorrow
- If you are ready to move forward and would like guidance and/or peers to work with: check out the Reinvention Revolution Program
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