RIB6: WHY this podcast? Season 1 finale
- December 16, 2022

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season 1 finale
Hi everyone today I am really excited about this episode, you know why? In this episode I am sitting today with myself! Yes, It’s kind of celebratory episode.
It’s the last episode of the year, aaaaand the last episode of Season 1 !!!!
I am so proud of this milestone, which is an accomplishment, but it’s also the first stretch of a long journey!
See, by embarking on this uncomfortable journey I got fun, learning, growth, and lots of creativity! Yes, by doing this work, I learned how to invite guests to my podcast, how to interview them, and how to facilitate a conversation behind microphones.
I also had to learn to record and edit audio, then add the music and how to publish a podcast!
For this I need to say I invested in a great course. If you also are thinking to start a podcast I can’t recommend enough my mentor Regina Larko and her #impact podcast. Check her out here.
Attention please REINVENTION KILLING TIP#1: when you change career or start something new you always grow your skills!
I also had fun! Because I loved experimenting with the jingles, music and making the intro, I got frustrated also when I messed up with some audio, it was all part of the learning curve. Plus I am so proud that I am using original music my kids and hubby created during lockdown ! Yes, lots of creativity…
So creative that I am also starting a second podcast in Italian, my mother tongue! Lots of interesting guests… I am so happy!
In this season finale I’d like to explain a bit in detail what this project is about and why I started reinventions in between
Ideal life vs real life
Linear vs squiggle
See we tend to think or aspire to an ideal life, but often the reality is quite different. The ability to work towards our ideal life embracing the bumps of reality makes the journey worthy.
a linear life is just ideal and a squiggly one is more close to reality
There’s this tendency of seeing an ideal life as:
We grow up, complete our studies, find the perfect job, get married, start a family and we grow old fantasizing about retirement places.
But in reality life can and often includes twists and plan changes. I’ll talk about that in detail in a minute.
How it started
I became fascinated by stories of reinvention when I was abroad and met people that changed their life and career along their path.
Me and my husband love foreign languages and traveling the world (we speak 5 including a bit of Thai, a tonal language very difficult for me to pronounce). So one of the ways to experience both was embarking in a life abroad and an international career.
Not always easy to allow two careers to progress in every country, so when we moved to Thailand I explored ways to pursue my career locally.
It took a long time before I could find a job, and it wasn’t in my previous industry.
Many countries also have spouses’ visas that restrict them to work, so it’s not always easy peasy.
But that exploration and experimenting allowed me to learn new things, acquire new competencies, and become more empathetic with different ways of doing things.
But more importantly it also allowed me to find out what was important to me, and what I was longing to do which could have an impact on others.
So 8 years ago, during my second pregnancy (a very creative phase of life, at so many levels) check episodes 3 and 4 if you haven’t listened already, they are both reinventions that happened after maternity. Very powerful and inspiring.
I realized that I could help other women like me, in the same situation, juggling life, career and family abroad with little or no help, and tons of questions on how to do it right!
It was then that I decided to retrain as life coach and intercultural trainer so that I could acquire competencies to help others have a balanced and fulfilling life. That was reinvention number 3, after having worked as a content editor for a publishing house and started an e-commerce for eco-friendly baby items when I first became a mum.
Why I am doing the podcast
While I was in Luxembourg, country number 3, I met a special friend who became a partner in crime. She asked me to launch together a series of reinvention workshops. And so we did, just a couple of months before we moved down under in Melbourne Australia! If you think you can’t do something because you move countries often, you might want to rethink: some projects are pilots that you can replicate somewhere else adapting them to the local context REINVENTION KILLING TIP NO 2!
Always take advantage of the situations that arise, even if you can’t see what fruit they can bear yet. You are collecting experiences, references, contacts. They all turn-into assets. We work on this in my Reinvention webinars, if you want to know more check the show notes or book a chat.
But the main reason I created this podcast is because every story is a gift, the person who tells it is sharing facts,processes and learning that are extremely useful for every listener. You’ll find inspiration even if you are not thinking of reinventing just yet.
Every story is unique and every speaker deserves to be under the spot for their achievements. It’s a celebration.
So these stories that I tell with the help of my incredible guests are extremely valuable and filled with professional tips.
I long to create a community of reinventers that inspire, support and connect each other with a positive connotation on CHANGE.
Originally the Reinvention in between was a book project but then a pandemic hit and we were all busy with homeschooling and trying to set boundaries inside our homes sharing the wifi…you know.
Then one day I discovered podcasts and I told myself: I love chatting with people and then this topic will get more interaction if told in episodes so I researched how to start a podcast…and here I am.
There’s something magic when people exchange ideas experiences and processes.
Reasons and type of Reinvention
Most people think that quitting a job is crazy or easy only for some professions.
Depending on the culture you grew up with you might see eyebrows lifted with negative consideration if you tell your family or friends you are about to quit your job. We start our Reinvention workshops with assessing with which lenses we look at change, in general and our own context.
But change is a constant, also in nature. What I want to bring to you all following this podcast is a new way of considering reinvention yourself.
We reinvent for many reasons
A move abroad
Life stages
A illness or a family member to care for
A passion that is taking more space and morphing to a small business
Midlife crisis
Value crisis, we might quit just because we want to switch from a profit company to a NOT FOR PROFIT one that aligns more with what you believe in.
An opportunity of a new role in the department you never thought you’d work for.
Acquisition of new skills
You might decide to quit corporate to become an entrepreneur, a MUMPRENEUR!
A gap year or a long service leave that turns into a project with like minded people.
Maybe you are a multipotentialite and find fulfillment in learning new things
A pandemic
See there are many reasons and type of reinvention.
I want to keep telling amazing stories and offering you inspiration and tools to start your own change path.
So now let me hear from you, what are your aspirations?
Resources and Inspiration
- Do you want to brainstorm about your Reinvention idea, or learn how Coaching skills can help you develop your project?
- Are you curious about Reinvention? Go download my free GUIDE: Your first steps
You will see how easy it is to take your first steps by looking at :
a.How you perceive CHANGE
b.Your values and your personality.
c.What are you ready to put in place tomorrow
- If you are ready to move forward and would like guidance and/or peers to work with: check out the Reinvention Revolution Program
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Want to be on the show?
I can’t wait to hear your unique story of reinvention, and share it with the community.
Listeners will be inspired, will learn and find other people’s experiences relatable and encouraging.
Do YOU have a story of Reinvention to tell the world?
Be one of our speakers to inspire others.
Grab the questionnaire below.